Owen's first cousin on his Mom's side was born this week. Aunt Jackie gave birth to a very handsome boy named Brody Lee Petersen on Tuesday morning (Grandma Vera's birthday!) and Owen can't wait until he gets big enough that they can be best buddies! Ok, so maybe it's Mama that is excited about that one. So far, Owen has shown no real interest in the new baby upon meeting him for the first time, but I know they will be very close one day...getting into all kinds of trouble, no doubt.
Here's a couple shots of the gorgeous little Brody. Isn't he adorable? Mom and baby are both doing well and adjusting to their new lives together. Our family is so blessed!
Gazing lovingly up at his Mama.
Such a little bundle of joy!
Here are a few other pics from the past week or so.
Reading books with Papa Vern.

Picnic lunch with Mommy's MOPS group at Wilson's Apple Orchard in Iowa City.
Owen wasn't so much interested in the apples at the orchard (we actually left before the picking even began), but he sure was intrigued by the pumpkins!
"This one looks different."
"This sure is a funny looking ball."
It wouldn't be a successful trip to a pumpkin patch (or apple orchard, as it were) without getting a little dirt on your pants.
"Hold on a sec, Mom, I'm playing with the mulch."
Too bad that sun was right in his eyes or this would have been a cute(r) photo.
Enough said.
Pretty mums. "Be gentle," says Mommy.
The John Deere tractor that pulled our group on a "hayrack ride" through the orchard.